North West Dept of Community Safety: Internships 2018 / 2019
North West Department of Community Safety invites applicants to apply for Internships Programme for 2018 / 2019 in North West. The duration of this Internships Programme is 12 months. Successful candidates will receive a monthly stipend during their Placement.
Internship Application Closing Date: 30 June 2018
Internship Provider: North West Dept of Community Safety
Internship Location: North West
Field of Studies
Legal Services
Ref No: 1 / 2018 |
Monitoring & Oversight
Ref No: 2 / 2018 |
Human Resource Management
Ref No: 3 / 2018 |
Strategic Support Services
Ref No: 4 / 2018 |
Road Safety Management
Ref No: 5 / 2018 |
Supply Chain Management
Ref No: 6 / 2018 |
Risk Management
Ref No: 7 / 2018 |
Ref No: 8 / 2018 |
Transport Planning
Ref No: 9 / 2018 |
Crime Prevention
Ref No.10 / 2018 |
Financial Management
Ref No: 11 / 2018 |
Enquiries: Mr G Moshito Malotane, tel. (018) 200 8279 or Ms MMA Sebokolodi, tel. (018) 200 8247
This Department Is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer. It is our Intention to promote representivity (race, gender and disability) in the department through the filling of these Internship posts and candidates whose appointment will promote representivity will receive preference. Put Indication in this regard will facilitate the processing of applications.
Note: Applications will be considered only horn unemployed South African Citizens, aged between 18 and 35 years old. Applications must be accompanied by signed and dated Z83, a recent updated Comprehensive CV with at least names of three (3) referees with current contact details, originally certified copies of all qualification(s), and ID / National Identity card. Failure to submit the requested documents will result in the application not being considered. All qualifications will be verified. Persons in possession of a foreign qualification must furnish this Department with an evaluations certificate from the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA).
Positions requiring tertiary qualification / s must be accompanied by certified copies of academic record! transcript(s). Candidates must indicate the reference number and centre they are applying for in their applications. Candidates requiring additional information regarding an advertised post must direct their queries to the person reflected as enquiries below. Applications should be forwarded in time to the department since applications received after the closing date indicated below will as a rule not be accepted. Faxed and emailed applications are not accepted.
It will he expected of candidates to he available for selection intent lows on a date, time and place as determined by the department. The Department reserves the right not to make appointments and correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. Candidates who have already participated in an internship programme in government department will not be considered.Previous employment records will be verified. All appointments are subjected to a positive qualifications verifications as well as security clearance and verting.
How to Apply
The head or Department. Department of Community Safety and Transport Management, Private – Bag MMABATHO, 2735, Hand deliver 1stFloor, Terilo Building, Cur Albert Luthuli Drive and Dr. James Moroka Drive